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Navigating Love and Finance: The Prenup Conundrum
Hey there, lovebirds! Today, I want to chat about something that might seem a little less romantic but is oh-so-important: prenuptial...
Divorce for Women, Where to Begin? Part 1: The 7 Crucial Divorce Terms Explained
Join me, Deana Brown, founder of BagLady Divorce, as I walk you through seven crucial divorce terms every woman should know. Learn about...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Compensation and Retirement Plans Unraveled
Ever heard of SARSEP, SERP, ESOP, or Simple? No worries, I promise it's not another language! These are all compensation and retirement...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: What is QDRO?
What is QDRO? It stands for Qualified Domestic Relations Order it is a legal document that outlines the division of retirement assets...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: The Divorce Survival Notebook
As someone who understands the overwhelming stress that comes with divorce, I encourage you to take a deep breath and find a moment of...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: The Power of Tax Returns
I discovered an extra $500,000 per year for a client during my analysis of her tax return. While the tax return showed $1.4 million of...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Behind the Scenes of Divorce Planning
I recently took my boys to see the Broadway show 'Hamilton' in New York City, and they loved it. They were able to follow the story,...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Tracking Down Hidden Assets
Today, I'm reminded of a childhood game where you place a ball under one of several plastic cups, shuffle them around, and ask someone to...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: The One Document You Can't Afford to Forget Post-Divorce
In this video, I talk about the importance of having a copy of your divorce settlement agreement, as it can be difficult to remember all...
Is the Collaborative Divorce Process Better than Litigation for Families?
This week's BagLady Divorce video is a little different than usual. I met with two attorneys, Kristen Goss and Jackie Caputo, to discuss...
BagLady Divorce with Deana Brown: Understanding Your Marital Assets
I recently had an amazing experience that reassured me of the importance of my work. A new client came in yesterday to discuss the...
BagLady Divorce with Deana Brown: When a Smooth Divorce Gets Messy
I am participating in a collaborative divorce process and the team consists of two attorneys, a financial neutral, and a mental health...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: How to Fund Your Divorce
If you are high net worth, around $4 million and up, it is going to cost you thousands of dollars to hire the professionals you need to...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Social Security
When working with high-net-worth clients, I look at cash flow and retirement benefits in order to do some projections. One of the more...
BagLady Divorce with Deana Brown: Time for a Divorce? Then Time to Get Organized!
I have added a free divorce organizer to my website! It is located on the homepage of my website at When...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: 3 Tips for When Your Husband Wants a Divorce
Here are my top three tips when your husband tells you he wants a divorce: 1. Get a divorce notebook that can fit in your purse. Anytime...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: The Midlife Crisis
The midlife crisis is very common and can be frustrating for women going through divorce. Perhaps your husband is going through a midlife...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Life Insurance
If you are getting alimony, it is important to make sure you have life insurance or some other type of backup plan in place in case your...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Uh Oh What If I Can't Get Alimony?!
Let's talk alimony or what some call "spousal support". In some states like Texas, if you have assets (wealth) then the likelihood of you...
Carpool Chats with Deana Brown: Filing Your Tax Return
Filling your tax return is not fun, especially if you are going through a divorce. It gets even more overwhelming when you have to sign...
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